Lowe’s Home Improvement Store Takes First Steps Toward Banning PFAS

One of the quickest ways to put a stop to the spread of forever chemicals, is to stop using products that contain them! The problem is that many people aren’t aware of them or what they could be hiding in. This makes it the responsibility of big companies to use their knowledge of PFAS to do what they can to protect their customers.

We praise Lowe’s Home Improvement store for taking on this responsibility. In 2019, they made a commitment to stop selling indoor rugs and carpeting that had been treated with PFAS, and just a few days ago banned the use of PFAS in their fabric protector sprays. While there’s still a lot of improvement to be made, Lowe’s is on the right track to ensuring the safety of their customers and we hope other popular retailers follow suit.

For more information, read here.